Bogus Slogan Poster
Number 00030
Bogus Slogan Poster #00030 - Inside View
Once a year, the city authorities in Radiant City let the hair flow freely. One weekend, 72 hours, where everything goes except crimes against another person. Crimes against property can be defended by force, so the mayhem is usually limited to extreme self intoxication and the mishaps that inevitably occur. Medics and doctors are shipped in from neighboring cities. Something like New Orleans on steroids is the result. Most everybody starts with public nudity and the festivities expand from there.
Bogus Slogan has been the Saturday headliner several times, with the third annual Cultural Jam being their first appearance. The concert began on time, but there was so much audience participation that Bogus Slogan did not get on stage til 4am Sunday. The group held the stage until 7am when a wave of naked karaoke carolers claimed the stagefront – placing three different beatboxes, playing three different songs – then everyone chose their favorite to sing. Several attempts were made to regain control of the theatre, but all were unsuccessful.
Bogus Slogan has been rockin’ the world for over half a century. Springing from the Surf, Psychedelic, Garage of the Southern California 60s, the band has released over 3 dozen albums and toured America & the World extensively.
Bogus Slogan uses artists, Illustrators and graphic designers from all over the world. ZenithPointStudio is proud to present many of the posters famed studio has done on behalf of the band.
ZenitPointstudio creates photos, graphics, illustrations and music for the entertainment of people.