Bogus Slogan Poster
Number 00066
Bogus Slogan Poster #00066 - Inside View
When Bogus Slogan last played Berlin, the promoter did a no-no. The long story is that the band wanted to play 5 dates in the city. Two stadium size venues, two large theaters and one “oversized” club appearance. The gigs in the theaters and the club had no problems. However, the promoter had lost the second stadium date. Even though he had sold over 45% of the seats, he failed to pay both of the stadium’s dates deposits.
Not telling anyone, he continued and sold out the second show. Then two days before the first show, publically announced that the second show had been moved to the first show date as a matinee. Clever, no?
When concert goers showed up, the fraud was exposed. The promoter had closed his office and was found sitting in the waiting room of a local police station. A lot of money was in the briefcase on his lap.
Bogus Slogan played a 2 hour sound check and the band and the stadium management split the briefcase in two.
Bogus Slogan has been rockin’ the world for over half a century. Springing from the Surf, Psychedelic, Garage of the Southern California 60s, the band has released over 3 dozen albums and toured America & the World extensively.
Bogus Slogan uses artists, Illustrators and graphic designers from all over the world. ZenithPointStudio is proud to present many of the posters famed studio has done on behalf of the band.
ZenitPointstudio creates photos, graphics, illustrations and music for the entertainment of people.