Bogus Slogan Poster
Number 00068
Bogus Slogan Poster #00068 - Inside View
From their beginning, playing backyard parties until the police showed up, Bogus Slogan was successful. Springing out of these first months it became apparent that the band loved playing juvenile shows. Something about ‘future consumers’ and ‘word of mouth’ passed for reasons to do these concerts. However, the band did play a little slower, maybe a little quieter. This time the explanation was about “hormone production circulatory reduction.” These guys…
Now in their fifth decade, the band played another kid’s concert in November of 2004 at the Valentine Public Auditorium. A summer saturday afternoon that took away a valuable weekend summer night date. But the band was having a blast sharing birthday cake with celebrating fans in the audtorium’s parking lot prior to the show.
After the concert, it was chili & ribs at the back end of the parking lot.
Bogus Slogan has been rockin’ the world for over half a century. Springing from the Surf, Psychedelic, Garage of the Southern California 60s, the band has released over 3 dozen albums and toured America & the World extensively.
Bogus Slogan uses artists, Illustrators and graphic designers from all over the world. ZenithPointStudio is proud to present many of the posters famed studio has done on behalf of the band.
ZenitPointstudio creates photos, graphics, illustrations and music for the entertainment of people.