Bogus Slogan Poster
Number 00093

Bogus Slogan Poster #00093 - Inside View


Bogus Slogan Poster Series

Welcome again to the photography magic of Tom Kirch,  An unsettling corridor with an open door at the end. Half a dozen shafts of light illuminate the cold harsh concrete walls.  Even with its demise, let it not have been a hospital hallway.

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Boston is nothing but fun.  Wine, Woman & Song. Maybe Beer, Babes & Rock n’ Roll. Bogus Slogan has found that a specific decibel range for proper sonic impact.  Too little DBs and the crowd is not sure when tea will be served.  Too many DBs and identity loss may occur.

Concert goers won’t buy merch if they can’t remember who they came to see.

Bogus Slogan has been rockin’ the world for over  half a century. Springing from the Surf, Psychedelic, Garage of the Southern California 60s, the band has released over 3 dozen albums and toured America & the World extensively.

Bogus Slogan uses artists, Illustrators and graphic designers from all over the world. ZenithPointStudio is proud to present many of the posters famed studio has done on behalf of the band.

ZenitPointstudio creates photos, graphics, illustrations and music for the entertainment of people.

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