Bogus Slogan Poster
Number 00098
Bogus Slogan Poster #00098 - Inside View
The first tour of Japan was a disaster. The differences in language and culture created social misadventures that almost got the band blacklisted by venues and promoters. Thanks again to the Vertex World Crime League, doors were opened to allow this tour several years later.
Using an assortment of clubs and small auditoriums, Bogus Slogan’s ambitions were to establish successful relations with fans for a bigger Asian tour to come. A collection of local Southern California bands brought standard American Rock n/ Roll to the land of the shamisen.
Ticket pirates flooded the country with counterfeits. The VWCL saved the day by suggesting a morning show for the fakes and an evening show for the reals. The government of Japan was so pleased with the solution they paid for a plane loaded with band merchandise. Sales easily paid for the cost of the additional shows.
Bogus Slogan has been rockin’ the world for over half a century. Springing from the Surf, Psychedelic, Garage of the Southern California 60s, the band has released over 3 dozen albums and toured America & the World extensively.
Bogus Slogan uses artists, Illustrators and graphic designers from all over the world. ZenithPointStudio is proud to present many of the posters famed studio has done on behalf of the band.
ZenitPointstudio creates photos, graphics, illustrations and music for the entertainment of people.